Welcome to The Locket's photo blog! This blog is to showcase my most recent work, keep you updated, and let you get to know me better!

Images and text by Erin K. 'Manson' Kirchhoff.

Check out http://www.thelocketonline.com/ to view my complete portfolio.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Wedding: Cayton

What a crazy weekend! Last week we had a Friday and Saturday wedding! Phew!!! Sunday Sarah left for a trip to Georgia and I left for a last minute getaway to New Orleans! I'm glad to be home with my boys (my hubby and pup) but am not excited about the ridiculous amount of emailing, editing, and just catching up on things we have to do!!!

Jim and Kris were married last Friday. I met Jim when I first moved to Kalona to teach as Jim taught social studies at the high school where I taught art. Kris is a doll and I love her laugh!

Kris is also a school teacher as well as many of the members of the bridal party so a school bus as a limo was quite fitting!!!

1 comment:

amee sorensen said...

Awesome wedding! LOVE the school bus shots! Great job!