Welcome to The Locket's photo blog! This blog is to showcase my most recent work, keep you updated, and let you get to know me better!

Images and text by Erin K. 'Manson' Kirchhoff.

Check out http://www.thelocketonline.com/ to view my complete portfolio.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just take a minute...

I'm having one of those weeks where every time I put the smallest little ding of a dent in my "to do" list, WAM!...there is a whole pile of other things to be done, all which need equal attention. When I get to this point of busy-ness I am guilty of getting a bit numb emotionally, and my priorities get a bit skewed.

After I slipped and fell on the ice for the second time today (seriously, and it was only 7:20 in the morning) I took a second to look up. My frustrations faded. I took a deep breath and as I exhaled I watched the cloud of my breath swim up to the grey sky. I sat there for a minute in awe just thinking "Wow, the snow is pretty...."

So, if you are having a week like me...

Just take a minute to appreciate something you overlook too often. It will really turn your day around.

I promise.

I guess falling on my butt was exactly what I needed today. Who would have thought? :)







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