Welcome to The Locket's photo blog! This blog is to showcase my most recent work, keep you updated, and let you get to know me better!

Images and text by Erin K. 'Manson' Kirchhoff.

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Blog Archive

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


~ Manson

These photos are just a glimpse of this family's love for each other. This was a special shoot for this family and it was very important to capture this moment in the lives of this family. Multiple family shoots are always fun! I love observing how each family within the family is so different. Each unique group of parents and children have their own interests, relationships, and mannerisms and it's incredible to be in charge of capturing those individual characteristics.

Looooove it! Go cubs!!!

Every couple deserves a few cute images together after they have kids. It always seems that couples who hire us to shoot family pictures are a bit reluctant to do shots of just the two of them, but.... I think they will appreciate them some day. Some of my favorite all-time photos are of my grandparents together.

Here's a few of the kids by themselves. Sarah has more cute ones to come!

Sorry, but again - my eyelash obsession!

Love the next three!!! So similar but so different!

I want to thank this family for sharing themselves with Sarah and I. I have two favorite sayings in life, one is a verse that says, "Everything old has passed away, behold, everything has become new." The other is something I constantly remind myself and others to remember not only in difficult times, but every day - to never stop giving thanks for the blessings you've been given. As tough as it is to remember this during certain times in life, it is oh, so true! Even in the most trying times of our life there are always things to be thankful for - no matter how big or small they might be at the time.

Here are a few pics of my grandparents that I love. I can't wait to use these in my house somehow when I get a chance to decorate this summer.

My grandmother, Hazel, is the middle one in the middle row. My grandfather is the stern one in the front, the second one in from the right. This is their 1928 graduating class in Arlington, IA.

The car ones are from 1931.

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