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Images and text by Erin K. 'Manson' Kirchhoff.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Anytime: Hat Show


The last few times I've gone back home to visit my parents and my sister and her family, we've made it a tradition to have a picnic in the barn. Since my grandfather passed away this summer, we've accumulated a lot of furniture and nick-knacks from his place. My dad has all of those things in the barn and my sister's kids have fun playing with some of it. The last time I was home we were all entertained by Daniel and Caroline trying on all of my grandfather's old hats. Daniel would put a hat on, walk up to us and strike pose, and then my mother would tell him what job she thought he had (gas man, police man, firefighter, etc). Daniel has the best expressions! I especially love the ketchup left over from supper on their faces!

And my favorite... the CORNUCOPIA!!! Daniel thought it was a hat - hilarious!

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